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Metaphysical meaning of Jeziel (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Jeziel (mbd)
Jeziel, je'-zi-el (Heb.)--whom God assembles; assembly of God; united of God; God unites; whom God sprinkles.

Son of Azmaveth, a Benjamite who came to David at Ziklag (I Chron. 12:3).

Meta. Spiritual unity (whom God assembles, united of God, assembly of God) brought about by the activity of faith and love. (Azmaveth, father of Jeziel, a Benjamite who came to David at Ziklag, signifies faith's power to bring results; and David stands for love). These two working together in the consciousness of the individual accomplish a great unifying and harmonizing of his thoughts.

Preceding Entry: Jezerites
Following Entry: Jezrahiah