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Metaphysical meaning of Jahdo (mbd)

Metaphysical meaning of Jahdo (mbd)
Jahdo, jäh'-do (Heb.)--his being one; his union; his oneness; his conjunction; his joining together; his wholeness.

Son of Buz, of the tribe of Gad (I Chron. 5:14).

Meta. In giving the significance of Buz a Bible scholar remarks that the state of mind for which he stands "cannot be productive of good." (See BUZ.) This Buz, however, is the one whose descendants are classed by Jeremiah with Arabian tribes (Arabians signify unproductiveness). The contempt and scorn for which Buz of the tribe of Gad stands is directed against division and error, since out of it has come the thought of making union with Spirit by using the power of the I to connect oneself with that which is good and true (Jahdo, son of Buz of Gad; Gad signifying the power faculty in man, and Jahdo meaning his union, his joining together, his wholeness).

Preceding Entry: Jahdiel
Following Entry: Jahleel