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Series 2 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 5

Series 2 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 5

What is meant by the term "the first-born of all creation" (Col. 1:15)?

5. First means not only that which precedes all others in the system of numbering, but also the highest, the foremost, as regards character. First-born is the "first brought forth; preeminent." According to the ancient Hebrew custom the first-born in a family was the highest, the chief, the leader. As such he inherited as a birthright his father's authority and a double portion of the father's possessions. He also succeeded to the priesthood provided he had no physical blemish.

The "first-born of all creation" is the God-idea originating in Divine Mind. However, the reference in the Scriptures to the "firstborn of all creation" is to the idea-man, the image of God, regarded as the beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleased. This idea-man is imbued with the power to develop a consciousness of the nature of God. His "double portion" is the Presence of God and the power to form divine substance into thoughts, things, circumstances, and conditions. Man is the only part of creation that can separate the elements (ideas) of God and view each one by itself.

Mind, idea, and expression in Truth are one, but in the process of producing a supermental consciousness composed of ideas, they function separately, in a sense. The perfect man as the Idea of God is the "first-born"; then there is the mental concept of this man-idea which is expressed in manifest man's consciousness by Godlike thoughts, feelings, and words which are consciously carried into the body by the creative Word. In due season, this mind activity results in eternal life in the biological or physical body. "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14).

Preceding Entry: From what source did the idea-man spring? What other names are given to this idea?
Following Entry: Explain the meaning of the names Christ, Jesus, and Jesus Christ from the historical and metaphysical standpoint.