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Series 1 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 8

Series 1 - Lesson 2 - Annotation 8

What is the relation of forgiveness to healing?

8. Forgiveness is related to healing as a cause-and-effect relationship. Healing, as has been explained, is making whole, sound, and pure man's mental, moral, emotional, and physical phases of being. Whether man is conscious of it or not, he has the power to produce the likeness of what he images. Our character, body, and environment are the results of beliefs that we have harbored in our human consciousness. Corruption in our morals, disease in our body, and discord in our circumstances go to show some of the misconceptions we have held in consciousness and are working out. On the other hand, high ideals, health in body, and harmony in our affairs indicate the true concepts, based on God ideas, that we have planted in the "soil" of consciousness, bringing forth these good "fruits" in our outer life.

Forgiveness is the giving up, erasing, arid releasing (through denial) of all concepts and beliefs about ourself or about others that are contrary to the divine standard of good. All thought about and belief in sin and evil must be given up — for, as stated in annotation five, forgiveness is "giving" Truth "for" error; thus forgiveness is a combination of both denial and affirmation.

In order to achieve healing, we must think in accordance with divine patterns (ideas) and feel in unison with the divine nature and when we do this all parts of our being will be restored to health and harmony. Thus we see how essential forgiveness is to healing.

Preceding Entry: How is the mind renewed?
Following Entry: What place has prayer in the attainment of health?